World Obesity Day


「世界肥胖日2025 - 肥胖講呢啲」公眾健康教育講座系列

​ 為咗提高公眾對肥胖症及相關健康風險嘅關注,毎年嘅3月4號被定為「世界肥胖日」。 今年我哋好高興同各大地區康健中心/地區康健站合辦「世界肥胖日2025 - 肥胖講呢啲」健康教育講座系列。我哋邀請咗唔同範疇嘅專科醫生/學者為大家講解肥胖症對身體唔同器官嘅影響,尤其係腸胃,肝臟,中風及癌症方面。 除咗成人之外,兒童及青少年肥胖都係一個不容忽視嘅問題。究竟肥胖症點樣影響小朋友嘅健康同將來嘅發展?家長又可以做啲咩?等我哋一齊喺講座中搵答案! 所有講座都可以實體或者線上參加,快啲去掃QR code 報名啦!想聽邊個報邊個,報曬全部都得㗎!第一埸喺3月1號就開始啦! 認識肥胖症,打敗肥胖症! ...


World Obesity Day Patient Awareness Campaign in March 2024

We are delighted to announce the upcoming Hong Kong Obesity Society’s first World Obesity Day Patient Awareness Campaign in March 2024 . We will have 6 public lectures by specialists from various fields to share with us the updates in obesity and its complications. In addition, we have invited a qualified trainer Ms Sonia Kong who will provide teaching classes on stick mobility, a new type of exercise for training core muscles and stretching mobility. Don’t miss this opportunity.


Changing Perspectives: Let’s Talk About Obesity @World Obesity Day 2023

The theme for World Obesity Day 2023 was: ‘Changing Perspectives: Let’s Talk About Obesity'. Our goal is to change perspectives: to correct misconceptions, end stigmas and get everybody making the decision to shift from single views to shared strategies.


Everybody Needs to Act @World Obesity Day 2022

This year, we are focusing on the simple message that ‘Everybody Needs to Act’ to improve the world’s understanding, prevention and treatment of obesity.


Everybody Needs Everybody @World Obesity Day 2021

This year has been a great challenge for all combating obesity under COVID-19. Social distancing may seem to keep you away from everything and everybody, but we are all connected in heart. With support from everybody, we can create a happier and healthier future for everybody!